Friday, March 19, 2004


i'm mad

it's 2am... i just got home from my SECOND job.

i have to be at work for my FIRST job in 7 hours.

but while i was gone.... i had my vcr programmed to record some shows that i was bound to miss



probably kids...

the PS2 looks like it was used... and the vcr was stopped

now i've told my mom and sister's time and time again, to not let people into my room when i'm not home.

even today, the kids who were at my house asked me 3 times if they could play my PS2. and 3 times i replied, "not today"

stinkin little bastards

so rather than blow a fit in the wee hours of the morning, i decided to write my sister a note:

ranbir- 1st off: way to park the car! i appreciate it when i come home from work and notice your car taking up TWO parking spaces... no really, i do

2nd: why do you guys let kids into my room when i've told you guys time and time again not to!!!???! the VCR was set to record shows that i wasn't able to see tonight SINCE I'M AT MY SECOND JOB, but now there is nothing recorded

thanks for the respect

simply put... i'm putting a lock on the door this week... enough is enough


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