Thursday, January 27, 2005

Close call:

So I was explaining to the class how the Sto:Lo nation practiced contract marriages for thousands of years. Simply stating:

“If one family claimed a land of high-bush cranberries as their own, and another family owned a perfect fishing spot on the Fraser river; they would get a kid from one family to marry a kid from the other family so both families could use both resources. This is called “contract marriages.””

Then a kid put up his hand:

“What if both families only have boys?”

Stop right there…. What do you say to a 9 year old when they ask you that?
A variety of answers ran through my head, and I started to see what my options were for a possible retort to that statement.

Think about it. The kid could be from a home where he has “two dads” or “two moms.”

Whatever I say next could possibly have an effect on the kids and parents and teachers for the rest of their lives.

I answered like so:

“Oh look! A Deer!!!”

I kidd I kidd, this is what I said:

“You see, the Sto:Lo nation is a Patriarchal society, do you guys know what patriarchal means? No? well allow me to explain, it means that the person is charge of the tribe or family is a man. Matriarchal means a lady is in charge. So if both families only had boys, it probably wouldn’t work out because both boys then would want to be in charge, and if their were only girls, no one would be in charge. So in this case, they would have to go find other families with girls to make a new contract.”

The teacher nodded in approval
I was just surprised that I pulled that off



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