Tuesday, December 20, 2005

the vivid dream

So last night I stayed up late watching "The Machinist" on dvd that I purchased on a hunch. Actually turned out to be well done.

Anyways, since I'm only on-call at work this month I decided to sleep in this morning (as i always do) hoping to wake up in the afternoon.

Around 9a.m. i received a phone call from work telling me to get there by 12. "Sweet" i say to myself, i can sleep in, so i set my alarm for 11a.m.

9:30 my girlfriend calls to tell me good morning, I tell her i love her and go back to sleep

then it happens
the most vivid dream i've had in ages

does it make sense?
hell no, but boy was it strange

It starts off in the evening with me visiting my friend Jerry's house (which is not possible right now since jerry is in india for the time being) then apparently i had called for my sisters to pick me up (maybe i was drunk or something)

so my sisters show up and i get in the car and we begin driving. now i wonder why all three of my sisters were in the car when one of them could have easily come to pick me up not to mention that all three of them don't live together either. hmmm?

anyways, i'm riding shotgun and we start driving downhill. looking out the front window i notice we're approaching a dead end but the car isn't slowing down.

next thing, we crash through a barrier and we're airborne, all i hear is screaming, the car tips a bit forward and i see a muddy road we're about to land on, still going downhill.

i start to scream at my sister telling her to "brake brake BRAKE!!!!!!!!!!!"

the car lands on the muddy trail, begins to fishtail, and we're still going downhill to another dead end.

she doesn't brake

we crash through that barrier as well and i brace for impact.


i'm screaming

somehow, someone drags me out of the car. i can't feel my legs

my sisters run up and crowd around me but they appear to be okay. not even a scratch. wtf?
i'm concious. one of my sister's braces my head to stabilize me.

i tell them to call an ambulance and they say that i'm fine and i won't need an ambulance.


then i just lay there for what seems to be forever and my sisters start to talk amongst themselves... as if nothing happened.

i again ask for the ambulance and i hear one of them telling me to "shhhhh"
what?? me to shhh? in a state like this???

i begin to scream at them and then my mouth is covered. and my sisters continue to talk. i start looking around and i hear one of them say "the show's gonna start"

i glance uphill, no sign of an ambulance but i begin to see spotlights. and out of nowhere a fashion show starts.

makes no sense does it.

as the girls start walking down the catwalk, i keep screaming for help but everyone fails to acknowledge me.

gathering all of my energy, i start to cry. then i manage to roll over and use just my arms to begin crawling up the hill.

all the way to jerry's house, screaming.

i see jerry's front door open and his dad running outside towards me. he turns towards the house and tell's jerry's mom to call an ambulance, and tells me everything will be fine.

so i lay there, relieved

and close my eyes as i begin to hear the sirens.

then my alarm clock went off and i wake up.

after my shower and getting ready, i went downstairs to grab a muffin and be on my way

two of my sisters where in the kitchen and said "good morning"

i just turned and scowled.

how could they?


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