Thursday, June 30, 2005

the occupant

this morning i woke up around 9 and stumbled my way down the stairs to the kitchen to make me something edible for my empty stomach

with the peanut butter jar on the counter and a butterknife in my hand, i anxiously awaited for the toaster to pop and took a glance through the kitchen blinds at the school field behind my sister's house

yet closer to the window i saw something move, at first i thought it may be a neighbour's cat, but this dude was pretty big, so i lifted the blinds and the noise drew the attention of the backyard intruder

making him stand upright and look at me

2 things came to mind:

1- this cat can stand up!
2- this is not a cat!

choosing the latter, i quickly closed the blinds to subconciously tell myself that this didn't just happen

but like picking at a scab, i had to peek through the blinds again, to watch this guy walk across the patio

it was a raccoon

he then crawled his way under the patio to dwell, probably next to the hot tub

i then put on shoes and walked out onto the patio (butterknife still in hand) and started to jump up and down in hopes to drive this critter out

2 more things came to mind:
1- this wood is pretty old and i could fall through
2- will a butterknife really protect me

just then the toast popped up

i freaked out
so did the raccoon

i ran in the house
he ran across the yard and towards the school

so went my morning


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