Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Not a bad night

while watching monday night football last night, it was also my duty to hand out the candy to the kidlets while the communist and her entourage assembled a desk in the basement

overall it was pretty fun. lots of cute kids throughout the night. i had planned on using my digital camera to take pics of everyone that visited, but then i realized that many may see me as a pedophile if i did such a thing so i cancelled that idea.

there was one incident though when i was visited by a group of teenagers (around 8 of them) and only 5 were in costume. three of the guys were wearing nike parkas and jeans. yet they too had the nerve to "trick-or-treat" with their hands out



so i only gave candy to those in costume and told the other three to get lost.

and one had the nerve to say "what the hell man?" as well as "but i'm deaf" (???)
even if he is deaf, put on a costume damnit.

so i proceeded to tell him "sorry" (in sign language as well) and said i only give candy to those who dress up

those of you who have visited my home may have seen the signs posted noting that there are deaf pedestrians in the neighbourhood, and yes there were deaf kids that came to my doorstep for candy, which i gladly gave them since they were in costume.

but if you come up to me door for candy, whether you're disabled or not, you better have a costume! and a bag to boot

sad sad sad kids
get out of my face


Blogger Caroline Ogawa said...

I totally agree! No costume, No candy! This Halloween, I had to work until about 6:30pm..and I got home around 7:30pm and handed out some candy, but all the kids and adults who came to our house were dressed up! But if they weren't I'd give them the evil glare and spit out 'where's your costume? what are you suppose to be?!' and harrass them and make them feel bad! heheh....But fortunately, I had left over candy too, but unfortunately they're at home..and well, i'm in north van right now! damnit!

1:35 AM  

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